We were having some worries behind the scenes. It seems that Archaia was switching printers. They were printing in China, but they recently switched to South Korea. Most likely a large part of this was due to the fact that Titanium Rain (another fine book from Archaia) was not allowed to be printed by the Chinese government, so they had to scramble to move the printing out of that country.
Well, long story short: Starkweather was delayed AGAIN... but this time only by a few weeks.
Starkweather: Immortal WILL be shipped soon, though not on June 30 as previously planned. And here's some really good news: Archaia are air-shipping some boxes of the book, hot off the presses, directly to San Diego Comic-Con! So writer Dave Rodriguez and I will have 100 copies of the hardcover graphic novel to sell. Let's hear it for capitalism!
Free Art Giveaway!!
Each and every person who buys a copy of the book while Dave and I are there will get a free piece of original art from the book. I do pencils one panel at a time, so each panel has a pencil original - and YOU can own one! Just stop by, get a signed book, and take any piece of art you like. What could be easier?

What? You want more? OK, here's a special offer you won't get anywhere else! I have a number of World of Warcraft cards I did the art for, with special blank backs (the artist proof cards). With EACH copy of Starkweather: Immortal sold while I'm at the booth, I will personally do a sketch to order on a WoW card and give it to you with the book. How about THAT?
SO - stop by the Archaia booth (location details to follow), and get the awesome book, an actual piece of original art from the book, and a sketch on a collectible WoW card. Hey, I'M excited and I'm just giving it all away. Imagine how excited you'd be to get it!
See you in San Diego!!
I'll take you up on that Patrick!
That's odd - I showed a comment here from Mike H. but now it's gone. It was a good one, too!
Well, anyway - hope to see you there, Mike!
I had a similar problem with one of my comments as well.
That sounds great man i wish i was there to grab a copy. Good luck! :D
Hey! Mike's post is back! I'll catch you at the con, Mike. :D
Hey, PJ - wish you could be there too. Did you know the new president/owner of Archaia is also named P.J.? True fact!
Need help retrieving ALL of my puzzles. Got a new iPad and not getting everything.
Thank you
Hi - I'm a freelancer for the art on that game, and don't work for their company. You need to contact them directly, and their info is here:
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